I teach Buddhist meditation in the Insight Meditation lineage. Insight is a Theravada tradition which descends from Burmese Vipassana and Thai Forest Buddhism. I have been authorized to teach the dharma by one of my dear teachers, Brian Lesage.
Click below to listen to some of my guided meditations and dharma talks. *By request of Bellingham Insight Meditation Society, all talks have been edited to exclude comments and questions from dharma practitioners in the hall to protect confidentiality.
Click below to listen to some of my guided meditations and dharma talks. *By request of Bellingham Insight Meditation Society, all talks have been edited to exclude comments and questions from dharma practitioners in the hall to protect confidentiality.
The Beauty of Devotion (7/2/24)
Perfection, Improvement and Good Enough (5/21/24)
You're Not in Control, Sweetheart (4/23/24)
Nature as Teacher, Practitioner as Naturalist (3/13/24)
Gardening the Heart (2/21/24)
On Wise Motivation (1/30/24)
On Devas, Perceptions and Worldviews (11/21/23)
Why Bother with Buddhist Ethics? (9/19/23)